Francesca Cruz

How to manage USPTO backlog

How to Move Patent Prosecution Forward Amid the USPTO Backlog

For patent professionals, the challenge remains: How do you move prosecution forward amid the USPTO Backlog?

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Strengthening Your Patent Portfolio With IDS Audits

Missed disclosures can mean the difference between a strong, enforceable patent and one that crumbles under scrutiny. If undisclosed prior art surfaces during litigation or licensing negotiations, your patent could be at risk of invalidation. IDS audits ensure you don’t find yourself in that position.

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Impact of Interviews on Patent Prosecution

Early, Often, Never? The Impact of Interviews on Patent Prosecution

Some IP teams interview on every application at the USPTO, while many others only interview as a last resort late in prosecution. And everyone has their reasoning to back their decisions. But what does the data say?

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Are you ready to transform your patent practice?

Patent prosecution is complex – we know. If you’re ready for simpler workflows and more predictable outcomes, give us a call.