Kriselda Kettler

Sr. Data Analyst | Revenue

Types of Patent Firms that Need Office Action Response Automation

Types of Patent Firms that Need Office Action Response Automation

Just because it is the way you’ve always done it, doesn’t mean that should be the way you do it. Your manual office action response workflow has been in place for years. You know what to expect, and so does your team. But being entrenched in a process doesn’t necessarily mean it is working. Your patent practice might be overdue for a change, you just don’t realize it.

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Why use Data in Patent Prosecution?

Why Use Data in Patent Prosecutions?

How does using data in patent prosecutions generate more revenue and better prosecution outcomes? Patent analytics can be a game changer for your strategy, but you’ve got to know how to use them.

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Metrics for IP teams to evaluate outside patent counsel

5 Best Metrics to Evaluate Outside Counsel

Evaluating outside counsel is a crucial task for in-house patent teams seeking a valuable legal partner. While it may be easy to simply pick the biggest name firm, or choose based on word-of-mouth, that might not always be the best fit for your business. 

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Here are four essential tips from Juristat to help you present USPTO data in a way that engages your patent clients, demonstrates ROI, and establishes consistency in your approach.

Data Secrets for Success: 4 Game-Changing Tips for Your Patent Practice

As a seasoned patent professional, you are confident in your strategy. But more and more often, your clients are demanding proof of your data-driven decision-making.  

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When it comes to PTAB proceedings, who are the most experienced experts? And who are the most expensive?

PTAB Trends: The Most Experienced and Expensive Experts at the PTAB

When it comes to PTAB proceedings, who are the most experienced experts? And who are the most expensive?

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The Major and Emerging Attorneys and Firms at PTAB

PTAB Trends: Top Firms and Attorneys

When it comes to PTAB proceedings, who are the major players? Which firms and attorneys are handling the lion’s share of the cases – and who is making waves?

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top companies at the PTAB

PTAB Trends: The Major and Emerging Players

When it comes to PTAB proceedings, who are the major players? Which companies are filing the most – and which appear to be ramping up their litigation?

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Are you ready to transform your patent practice?

Patent prosecution is complex – we know. If you’re ready for simpler workflows and more predictable outcomes, give us a call.