Patent analysis and insight

Analysis and insight to bring more predictability, transparency, and equity to your patent prosecution.

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Embracing Legal Technology: Overcoming Hesitation for Increased Efficiency and ROI

Embracing Legal Technology: Overcoming Hesitation for Increased Efficiency and ROI

In the world of patent law, changing entrenched behaviors and processes can be daunting. For successful implementation, all members of your practice must embrace new legal technology. The reluctance to adopt legal technology can hinder growth and, ultimately, stifle your ROI.

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Types of Patent Firms that Need Office Action Response Automation

Types of Patent Firms that Need Office Action Response Automation

Just because it is the way you’ve always done it, doesn’t mean that should be the way you do it. Your manual office action response workflow has been in place for years. You know what to expect, and so does your team. But being entrenched in a process doesn’t necessarily mean it is working. Your patent practice might be overdue for a change, you just don’t realize it.

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You need to leverage your staff for strategic tasks, but is workflow automation the answer? Here are five metrics that indicate it's time to invest in IDS automation.

Five Metrics That Prove You Need IDS Automation

You know you need to leverage your staff for more strategic tasks, but how can you tell if workflow automation is the answer? It doesn’t have to be guesswork.

In the world of IP law, efficiency is key. As patent practitioners know all too well, manually managing the flow of information disclosure statements can be a cumbersome and time-consuming process. 

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Putting Your Best Foot Forward with Juristat

All IP firms want to be able to clearly and effectively show the positive impact of their work on their client’s patent portfolios.  

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10 ways to start your year off right

10 Ways to Start Your Year Off Right

Starting the year off on the right foot is crucial for patent attorneys to ensure efficiency, productivity, and success in their practice. 

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How to Discover Competitors You Didn’t Even Know Existed

Competition is a vital component of doing business, especially for patent teams. Competition forces you to innovate, finding creative solutions to protect and grow every patent portfolio on your books.

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Predicting USPTO examiner behavior is key but without the right data, you’re just guessing. Here are five metrics for a more successful prosecution.

5 Best Metrics for Predicting Examiner Behavior

Will an interview lead to an allowance? Should you appeal? Is it time to abandon? How long is too long between filing and the first office action? As an experienced patent professional, you know that predicting examiner behavior is key to finding the shortest path to an allowance, but without the right data, you’re just guessing.

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Data Strategies for Before, During and After Patent Prosecution

Big Data Benefits for Your Patent: Strategies for Before, During and After Prosecution

With the right data, IP practitioners can make nuanced and strategic decisions to aid their patent prosecution process.

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Patent analytics drive better prosecution outcomes. Here are the 6 ways to use Juristat Analytics to help you protect your client’s budget.

6 Best Ways To Control Your Spending With Patent Analytics

Patent analytics drive better prosecution outcomes – including less time to allowance, improved client relationships, and, crucially, increased profitability.

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4 Ways Workflow Automation Can Prevent Staff Burnout

4 Ways Workflow Automation Can Prevent Staff Burnout

Burnout can lead to an increased risk of error, lower productivity, and increased employee turnover.

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Are you ready to transform your patent practice?

Patent prosecution is complex – we know. If you’re ready for simpler workflows and more predictable outcomes, give us a call.