Patent analysis and insight
Analysis and insight to bring more predictability, transparency, and equity to your patent prosecution.
Analysis and insight to bring more predictability, transparency, and equity to your patent prosecution.
The COVID-19 pandemic launched a healthcare innovation race without parallel in recent history. Recognizing the need for swift action, companies large and small across the healthcare industry jumped into action to do their part to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines for COVID-19. Now that roughly two years have passed since the peak of the pandemic, we have a fuller body of COVID-19-related patenting data from the USPTO and patent offices around the world. While several studies have analyzed COVID-19-related patents — notably, the WIPO 2022 study of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics — none have focused specifically on COVID-19 diagnostics patents.
Will an interview lead to an allowance? Should you appeal? Is it time to abandon? How long is too long between filing and the first office action? As an experienced patent professional, you know that predicting examiner behavior is key to finding the shortest path to an allowance, but without the right data, you’re just guessing.
Patent prosecution is complex – we know. If you’re ready for simpler workflows and more predictable outcomes, give us a call.