Danielle Hohmeier

Director of Marketing at Juristat

white house intellectual property biden

Joe Biden and Intellectual Property

As of Wednesday, January 20, we have a new president, one who has never been known as a primary voice in IP policy. We gathered up a few assessments of Joe Biden and his approach to intellectual property to see where he stands on the issues.

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The Top 25 Emerging Patent Firms

Inspired by our recent ranking of the top growing patent firms, we set out to find the top 25 emerging patent firms of the last decade. 

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meeting handshake success

A Decade of Growth: The Top 25 Growing Patent Firms

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that in order for a firm to succeed, it must be able to withstand whatever storms come its way and come out even stronger. Here, we recognize the patent firms that have done just that – the firms that have grown the most in the last decade.

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2020 Patent News: A Mid-Year Report

With so much going on in the world during the first half of 2020 — a global pandemic, an economic recession, and widespread protest movements — developments in the intellectual property sphere have largely flown under the radar. But that does not mean 2020 has been bereft of patent news.

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7 Tips for Implementing New Legal Tech

Driven by market demand for efficiencies and cost savings, law firms and IP departments are looking to implement more legal technology into their workflow. But after all the work you put into choosing the right tool, how do you get attorneys and staff members to adopt?

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Patents for Humanity: Invention for Social Good

Patents for Humanity is the USPTO awards competition recognizing inventors and innovators who develop game-changing technology to meet global humanitarian challenges. With the application deadline quickly approaching, we take a look at some of the past award recipients and celebrate their impact on society today.

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The STRONGER Patents Act: What You Need to Know

With concern growing about the United States’ ability to remain the dominant force in the global innovation economy, the STRONGER Patents Act is intended to restore and strengthen the U.S. patent system by making it easier for patent owners to enforce their intellectual property rights.

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USPTO Extends AFCP 2.0 Pilot Program Through September 30, 2020

The USPTO has announced its intention to extend the After Final Consideration Pilot (AFCP) 2.0 program through September 30, 2020. The program had been set to expire on September 30, 2019.

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The 2019 Patent Landscape: Mid-Year Review

If the first six months of 2019 are any indication, this year will be a year of reform. 

In June, we marked the fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. 208 (2014). Far from being settled law, questions of subject matter eligibility have dominated the conversation about patents in the courts, Congress, and the USPTO during the first half of the year. The continued controversy surrounding the Alice case half a decade after it was decided vividly demonstrates its unpopularity and underscores the broad consensus that the time for reform is now.

Elsewhere, the Supreme Court also issued two decisions focusing on provisions of the America Invents Act (AIA), while theft of IP assets by Chinese firms continues to plague U.S. businesses..

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The State of Patent Eligibility in America

Over the last two weeks, patent practitioners, former judges, consultants, and law professors have testified in front of the Senate on the subject of patent eligibility law. Here's a recap of the hearings: 

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Are you ready to transform your patent practice?

Patent prosecution is complex – we know. If you’re ready for simpler workflows and more predictable outcomes, give us a call.