Tim Hellmann

Account Executive at Juristat

in-house evaluating outside counsel

Which Metrics Matter When Evaluating Outside Counsel?

The age of big data is here to stay, and there is so much information out there to access, sift through, and organize to accomplish our goals. As a company evaluating your legal partnerships, how do you know which metrics provide the most insight?

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How Innovative Companies Will Manage Patent Prosecution This Year

As we begin a new year, we predict how corporate leaders in IP will manage patent prosecution, keep an eye on their outside counsel, and avoid excessive spending.

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group of lawyers sitting meeting

4 Tips to Avoid Costly Patent Prosecution

To succeed in any industry, a certain amount of foresight and planning is key. For patent attorneys, identifying and taking action on high-cost prosecution can lessen the usual timeline and save money in the long term.

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The CARES Act and the USPTO: Are Your Applications Eligible?

Prompted by the CARES Act, the USPTO announced extensions to the time allowed to file certain patent-related documents and to pay certain required fees. Legal teams can use patent analytics tools like Juristat to quickly identify which applications qualify.

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Examiners Who Issue the Most Office Actions

We’re all familiar with Newton’s third law of physics: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Well, at the USPTO, every office action means additional work for the prosecuting attorney, and thus, additional costs.

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Juristat's Top Blog Posts of 2019

It’s the end of the year, and we at Juristat have a lot to celebrate! Along with growing our team and moving into a new office space, we launched new workflow automation solutions that generate office action responses and information disclosure statements using AI. And in the coming year, we’re rolling out a major update to our analytics product, giving clients improved access to comparison metrics, business intelligence, and custom reports for every tech center, art unit, USPC, or CPC class, and more.

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The Most Common Rejections: 102, 103, and 112(b)

Receiving a rejection for a patent application is no one’s idea of a good time. After spending hours on hours shaping a patent application that is focused, novel, and specific, you are told to reconsider your hard work and have another go at it.

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‘Tis the Season (for Office Actions)

Did you notice a spike in office actions in late September? We sure did.

While the calendar year may be winding down, your team is likely busier than ever preparing office action responses. In fact, we’re just on the other side of a major spike in office actions from the USPTO, coinciding with the end of their fiscal year on September 30.

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Is Track One Still Worth It? Analysis Uncovers Five Key Trends

For patent applicants looking to move quickly, the USPTO's Track One program is a seemingly obvious choice. But does the program, which was instituted in 2011, still work? The answer is yes – but not like it used to.

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Are you ready to transform your patent practice?

Patent prosecution is complex – we know. If you’re ready for simpler workflows and more predictable outcomes, give us a call.