Juristat's Top Blog Posts of 2020

2020 is not exactly what we expected, was it? Business has felt anything but usual. Now, at the end of the year, we have time to reflect, consider new best practices and areas of improvement, and keep our fingers crossed that 2021 will be at least a tiny bit less surprising.

But no matter how unpredictable, 2020 was a year of growth, change, and pure resilience. We enjoyed seeing how the IP industry has adjusted and pushed forward, and we are even more excited to see what the new year will bring.

In these final days before 2021, review the year that was in our five most popular articles from our blog this year.

The Sky Is Not Falling: COVID-19’s Impact on Patent Filing and Prosecution

Surprising no one, our article considering the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on patent filings was one of our most popular reads this year. Our CEO Drew Winship looks at abandonment rates and filing volume, comparing this year to past recessions, and sees little to worry about. Read more → 

A Decade of Growth: The Top 25 Growing Patent Firms

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that in order for a firm to succeed, it must be able to withstand whatever storms come its way and come out even stronger. Here, we recognize the patent firms that have done just that – the firms that have grown the most in the last decade. These 25 firms show exceptional progress, but they aren’t the only ones. Of the 196 medium-to-large firms we analyzed, 75% of them had positive growth rates. Read more →

The Top 25 Emerging Patent Firms

Inspired by our Top 25 Growing Patent Firms list, we set out to find the top 25 emerging patent firms of the last decade. All 25 of these firms were barely on anyone’s radar ten years ago, and they have shown impressive growth, growing their filings more than 500% from 2009 to 2018. Read more →

Examiners Who Issue the Most Office Actions

At the USPTO, every office action means additional work for the prosecuting attorney, and thus, additional costs. By considering the number of office actions an examiner usually issues, practitioners will have a better idea of what to anticipate in the prosecution ahead. To help, we ranked the examiners at the USPTO that issue the most office actions. Read more →

Examiners Who Procrastinate the Most – And How They Can Help You Get Your Next Allowance

With Juristat, you can now track how much your individual examiner end-loads (waits until the end of the quarter to do an inordinate amount of work) and how the probability of them granting an allowance changes (positively or negatively) at the end of the quarter due to this procrastination. Excited to test out this new metric, we identified the 10 examiners who, on average, end-load the most and the least at the USPTO. Read more →

We look forward to sharing more patent insight and analysis in 2021! For the latest news direct to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter. And to learn more about our new product features, sign up for a demo today.


Technology Center Deep Dive: A Look at TC 3700


Top Patent News of 2020