Patent analysis and insight

Analysis and insight to bring more predictability, transparency, and equity to your patent prosecution.

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Using Juristat (3)

Looking Back at the Great Recession of 2007-2009: How Was the USPTO Affected?

Much has been made about the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. While it is clear that the pandemic and its associated lockdowns have resulted in a sharp economic contraction, it is unclear what effect—if any—it will have on the USPTO in terms of patent filing and other patent prosecution-related activity.

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The Future of Pharma: The AstraZeneca / Gilead Merger

In early June, AstraZeneca approached rival drugmaker Gilead Sciences to discuss a potential merger. Though some doubt the feasibility of such a deal, this would be the biggest healthcare merger on record.

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The CARES Act and the USPTO: Are Your Applications Eligible?

Prompted by the CARES Act, the USPTO announced extensions to the time allowed to file certain patent-related documents and to pay certain required fees. Legal teams can use patent analytics tools like Juristat to quickly identify which applications qualify.

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The Most Common Rejections: 102, 103, and 112(b)

Receiving a rejection for a patent application is no one’s idea of a good time. After spending hours on hours shaping a patent application that is focused, novel, and specific, you are told to reconsider your hard work and have another go at it.

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Juristat Product News: Disruption to Alerts Service

Juristat will no longer offer access to our free application alerts to clients that do not have private PAIR integration with Juristat.

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Everything is Connected: A Patent Perspective on 5G Technology

The next big technology shakeup is on its way. With a limited rollout in 2018 leading to a much more comprehensive release in 2020, 5G is here, with increased speeds, instantaneous communication, and the ability to connect just about everything.

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Is Track One Still Worth It? Analysis Uncovers Five Key Trends

For patent applicants looking to move quickly, the USPTO's Track One program is a seemingly obvious choice. But does the program, which was instituted in 2011, still work? The answer is yes – but not like it used to.

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Beyond Allowance Rate: How to Highlight Firm Success at the USPTO

We often use allowance rate as a quick and simple way to quantify success at the USPTO -- and we know law firms use it too. However, that is just one of many indicators in-house counsel can use to evaluate firm performance. 

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Three Steps to Take Before You Respond to an Office Action

Three Steps to Take Before You Respond to an Office Action

In the world of patent applications, timing is key. When your firm receives an office action, a quick and thorough response helps ensure smooth communication with your examiner and calms your anxious client.

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Three Steps for a Winning, Data-Backed Client Pitch

When looking for outside counsel, companies are likely hearing similar pitches from all law firms. Business intelligence can be a powerful differentiator, a tool that helps law firms identify areas of strength and discover new pathways to success. It can lead to more focused marketing efforts and a general uptick in client buy-in.

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Are you ready to transform your patent practice?

Patent prosecution is complex – we know. If you’re ready for simpler workflows and more predictable outcomes, give us a call.